You are hereThe Most Powerful Statement

The Most Powerful Statement

There is a statement in Christianity that is full of power. There is a statement in Christianity that is full of wonder. There is a statement in Christianity that is full of love. It is a statement that should motivate a saved sinner into service for his wonderful Lord. It is a statement that should bring tears of joy to the eyes of one who deserves damnation. It is a statement that should change the life of every person that hears it. Unfortunately, this statement has lost its power; it has lost its wonder; and, unfortunately, this statement has lost the meaning of love that it clearly defines. This statement is "Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins." How many times has one of the redeemed let this statement enter his mind without it stirring his heart? It is sad to say that God’s children no longer understand or feel the gravity of His sacrifice. How many have sat through a service, hearing about the ultimate sacrifice which was made, only to be concerned with lunch? Does the phrase "I have already heard this a thousand times" ever cross your mind?

I wonder what it would have been like to be a spectator in Heaven about 2,000 years ago. I wonder if a gasping hush fell over the angels of God when the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords stepped off His throne, stepped out of heaven, and entered into the womb of a virgin. I wonder if the angels of God watched appalled when the Creator of the universe had for his first bed a feeding trough filled with hay. I wonder if the angels of God watched in awe when the God of love, who tried to bring true life to humankind, was rejected. I wonder if the angels of God watched dumbfounded as the God of all truth was falsely accused and sentenced to death. I wonder if the angels cried when God was nailed to a filthy piece of wood called a cross. Were their hearts shattered when the Son of God spilled His blood and died that day? They had reason to be shocked. The Almighty God did all of this for a race of beings that He should destroy. We deserve hell and damnation, but praise God, we are redeemed. We deserve the worst, but God has given us the very best.

Sometimes it is easy to forget what He has given us. Don’t let the most powerful statement grow stale in your heart. Are you happy to be on your way to Heaven? Are you happy to be washed in the blood of the Lamb? Then let the statement "Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins" set your heart on fire with rejoicing and praise!

Josh Thompson

Service Times

10:00am Sunday School
10:00am Early AM Service
11:00am Junior Church
11:00am Late AM Service

7:00pm Prayer Meeting