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A Proper Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Proverbs 29:18a

Before us this week is a familiar verse for all who know Jesus Christ as their Savior. The challenge of this verse has been laid before us many times. The question that needs to be asked however is, a vision of what? This week I would like to suggest one thought with regards to a proper vision: when men lack a proper vision of God, people perish.

The Scripture wonderfully reveals to us the person of God. Within the pages of the Holy Scriptures, we find truths regarding the character of God and the compassion of God. We know that God is a holy God, who is righteous and just. We also know that He is a God of mercy, grace and love. The Scriptures also reveal to us the precepts of God. These precepts help us to understand what God expects of His creation. Next, we find within the Word of God the principles of God which guide us in our daily living that we might be well pleasing to our God. God’s promises are also revealed in the Bible, and these promises give us hope and help in the difficulties of life. The promises of God allow us to rest in a restless world. Finally, God has graciously revealed to us His plans. The plans of God reveal to us God’s ultimate end for mankind. When we know where God is going, we can easily follow Him wherever He leads.

Christian, as you journey through this life, do not travel aimlessly without a proper vision. Allow the Word of God to instill within you a proper vision of God. This proper vision of God will protect you from the enemy that desires to devour you.

Pastor Jeffrey Bateman

Service Times

10:00am Sunday School
10:00am Early AM Service
11:00am Junior Church
11:00am Late AM Service

7:00pm Prayer Meeting