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A Faithful Servant and the Sovereign God

I being in the way, the LORD led me ...” Genesis 24:27

Every Christian is called upon to be a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus who purchased us with His precious blood (1 Corinthians 4:2; 6:19-20). For many this challenge is overwhelming and frankly excused as something impossible to be carried out. Yet, the Bible tells us that although it may be impossible for man (Mark 10:27), it is possible for God. Our faithfulness to God’s commands are not based on our abilities, but on His sovereignty.

In our text before us, Abraham gave a command to his eldest servant to procure a wife for Isaac. His wife was to be from the family of Abraham and not from among the heathen nations. It was required of him that he be faithful to the command of his master. No doubt this was a large task and was overwhelming. What confidence did this servant have that he would be able to find the perfect bride for Isaac? The passage tells us that he was dependent upon the God of Abraham to lead him in the right way. He prayed and sought the Lord’s direction, and then trusted in the sovereignty of God. All things were committed to the Lord and he (the servant) being in the way was led by the LORD.

God has called us all to be faithful to Him. He at times calls upon us to do those things which to us seem to be overwhelming and impossible. He at times just wants us to be faithful in the mundane and routine things of life. No matter what we are called upon to do, we need to trust in the sovereignty of God. All power is His, all wisdom and knowledge are His, He is eternal, seeing all things perfectly well. He alone as the right to rule and reign within our lives. Let us trust in Him, and may we find the blessed truth that being in the way the LORD led me.

Pastor Jeffrey Bateman

Service Times

10:00am Sunday School
10:00am Early AM Service
11:00am Junior Church
11:00am Late AM Service

7:00pm Prayer Meeting